The First Lady's Mazingira Awards
The 2024 First Lady’s Mazingira Awards is a challenge that taps into the creative expression of young learners, including special need learners, through art, creative writing, spoken word, among others.
First Lady's Mazingira Awards Logo Design Challenge
In 2023, FLAMA conducted a challenge to name the award and design its logo and slogan. Several outstanding entries were recognized and awarded during the launch ceremony.
To raise environmentally responsible citizens by nurturing the creative skills of learners through expression of their perceptions and actions towards addressing climate change
FLAMA Objectives
To nurture and empower learners as agents of change for environmental conservation and climate action.
To promote an environment centered entrepreneurship culture among learners.
To positively contribute to the National Restoration Campaign goal to plant 15 billion trees by 2032.
August 2024